Komerican Pie

a slice of the unhyphenated life

A weekly webzine celebrating Korean-American Komerican lifestyle and the multi-generational immigrant experience.

Komerican Pie is made with heART. Love yourself. Love everybody.

Our Ingredients

Komerican Pie delivers warm slices with fresh flavors to satisfy readers every Tuesday. Here are some of the ingredients that go into our zine on Substack. Go on… take a bite!

Flavor of the Week

The KP Q&A with cool humans inspiring us and connecting to Komerican culture.

H Mart Happiness

A photo feature of favorite products from the best grocer in the U.S.

Crispy Crust

Original art and poetry on the Komerican experience… and just being human.

Korean School

Interesting idioms, translations, histories or cultural facts to know.

Sweet & Salty

List of the tastiest treats satisfying all our senses and making us contemplate.

Immigrant Hustle

Monthly mini-memoir featuring a personal story written by a brave spirit.


Nothing in the world is free.

Please receive this webzine as a gift from our heART, as we contemplate how to flourish in a capitalist culture that often presumes one’s benefit must come at the expense of another. Coupled with the American practice of taking without giving, we recognize how imbalances may arise — alongside the denigration of artists, women, and people of color. Yet we celebrate our power and building a different kind of community. Thanks for joining us!

While we take time to find beneficial ways to align our heART work with our true worth, please enjoy Komerican Pie and all the people who generously contribute to KP with reciprocity — sending back to us the good energy we create for you through this webzine. We welcome your dignity, courage and new ideas on how to restore balance in the universe and build a regenerative economy. Thank you so much!

How KP Started

Sarah (L) and Aram (R) met in 2018 at Kweli’s Color of Children’s Literature Conference. We bonded over a shared love of children’s literature, good food, indulgent television and questioning the narrow presumptions of what it means to be Korean-American Komerican. After years of collaborating on projects, all the ingredients came together to bake Komerican Pie. We hope you enjoy our weekly webzine celebrating the unhyphenated life!

Sharing our heART with you

Photo: Lindsey Lingenfelter. Art: Aram Kim.

Sarah Kim Choi

Sarah Choi recently canceled her debut book deal with an international publisher to share her heART through Komerican Pie instead. She has written and recipe tested for The Food Network Magazine, RachaelRay.com, Red Tricycle (now Tinybeans) to name a few. She still takes projects as a communications and marketing consultant, relying on years of agency experience with national nonprofits and corporate clients. Sarah studied political science at Emory University and decorative art and design history at The Bard Graduate Center. She has lived in Houston, Washington D.C., San Francisco, New York City, and calls Atlanta home with her family today.

Check out Sarah’s Q&A Feature on KP!

Photo: Amie Kim. Art: Aram Kim.

Aram Kim

Aram Kim is a writer, illustrator, and art director of children’s picture books. She is excited to share her heART with everyone who connects to Komerican Pie. When Aram’s not working as an art director at an international publishing house, she writes and illustrates stories about universal themes with a distinctive Komerican flair. She has published five books including Cat on the Bus, Yoomi, Friends and Family series including No Kimchi for Me!, and most recently, Tomorrow Is New Year's Day, about Seollal, the Korean celebration of Lunar New Year. Find out more about Aram’s work at AramKim.com.

Check out Aram’s Q&A Feature on KP!

Racial trauma is not a competitive sport.
— Cathy Park Hong

Say hi to Komerican Pie!

Electronic Mail
sarah @ komericanpie.com aram @ komericanpie.com

Snail Mail
931 Monroe Drive NE
Atlanta, GA 30308

Voice Mail
(470) 915-4444

We’re not active on social media but recognize it’s a great way to let people find us, share information, and hop over to our zine! We’re trying to live real connected lives, honor our mental health and time, feel our feelings, and interact with fellow humans. Thanks for getting it!